1. TURKEY MERSIN - SPORT PARQUET MERSIN UNIVERSITYThe 2013 Mediterranean Games (Turkish: 2013 Akdeniz Oyunları), officially known as the XVII Mediterranean Games (XVII Akdeniz Oyunları), is an international multi-sport event due to be held in the tradition of the Mediterranean Games, as governed by the International Committee of Mediterranean Games (ICMG) (French: Comité international des Jeux méditerranéens). The host city of the Games will be Mersin, Turkey, as announced after an on-line poll conducted on 23 February 2011 by the ICMG. They are scheduled to be held from 20 to 30 June 2013. Mersin is the second city in Turkey after Izmir to host the Mediterranean Games. All 24 member National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of the ICMG are expected to participate in the Games. The official programme for the Games will feature events in 28 different sports.
The Mediterranean Games is a multi-sport event, much like the Summer Olympics (albeit on a much smaller scale), with participation exclusively from countries around the Mediterranean Sea where Europe, Africa and Asia meet. The Games started in 1951 and are held every four years. The idea of holding the Mediterranean Games originated with Muhammed Taher Pasha, who was the chairman of the Egyptian Olympic Committee and the vice-president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), at a meeting during the 1948 London Olympics. The Games "were designed specifically to bring together the Muslim and European countries surrounding the Mediterranean basin" to promote understanding through sporting competition.